6 luglio 2015

How to upgrade from Mint 17.1 to Mint 17.2

This is a perfect copy of this post of the Dicember 2014

The Procedure is quite identical...

Linux Mint 17.1 is a Linux Distribution based on Ubuntu 14.04.
Linux Minti 17.2 is ... a Linux Distribution based on Ubuntu 14.04 too.
The Mint Team decided to base the developement of their fine distro on the LTS version of Ubuntu and to introduce a  graphical dist-upgrade toool allowing the update fron the 17.1 to 17.2 version without the need to format.
And here's how:

First, update the update manager and be shure that there are no other updates:

then, without reboot, in the update manager Edit Menu appears a new voice:

Upgrade to Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela 

Then is about a Windows-like procedure 

Except for the obligation to read the release notes

and the new features list

for the rest of the update is fast (much depends on the speed of the internet connection for downloading packages)

et voilà

I tested successfully the procedure on a Cinnamon 17.1 64 bit HP 6540b Probook, on a Virtualbox machine, on a Mate 17.1 64 bit Asrock Q2900-ITX based barebone and on an HP Xw4400 17.1 workstation
The update procedure between one release to another is the icing on the cake for Mint, then...

Buon Appetito :)

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